DevShot #1
I have been meaning to write a blog post for a several months, but creating assets for the demo level has taken up all my time. In an effort to let you know what is going on, I am going to start posting development screenshots as I work on the game.
In our first development screenshot (or devshot if you will) we see a lancer racing through a canyon, no doubt in a hurry to get somewhere important. Click on the image below for a full-size version.

Those little people you see scattered around the map are “scale mannequins”, little meshes to help with keeping the scale consistent during development. You’ll be getting these devshots as they are, warts and all.
All 3D models in the screenshots were created from scratch. Having worked as a programmer for over ten years, it has taken some practice to learn how to make all this. I will cover the creation process in a later blog post. On an unrelated note, at the time of writing this website will turn one year old in two days. Happy birthday!